Small Rabbit (6) Look how brown the grass is as Been so hot and dry

Goldfinch (22)

Robin (96)

Robin (93)

Ring Necked Parakeets Female and Male 23.9 (126)

Parakeet (45) Taken through the Caravan window

Pheasant 26.9 (17) Taken through Caravan window

Little Grebe

Collared Dove (7)

Goldfinch (14)

Robin (1)

Robin (15)

Orchid (1)

Squirrel (104)

Robin (18)

DSC_1251 It's A Bugs Life

Baby Robin (36) Taken through Caravan window

This Years Baby Parakeet (32) Wild Bird on my Feeder next to our Caravan in Kent and also taken through the Caravan window

Moth (15)

As the mists lift

Bluetit had a hard busy time looking after and razing it's young 1

Wooden Bridge

Chipstead Lake...

enchanted forest

you fill me with inspiration

Panoramic Poppies

Evening Shadows

deep in the forest

Red dawn, Purfleet

the lone oak

Meeting in the Middle

morning at the ford

Longing for the Electric Car

Danson Park

evening poppies dancing in the breeze

Winter Woodland Pathway - ICM


Nizels 12th and 13th

Macrolepiota procera Field Parasol (2)

Shorne Woods Country Park

Sunset Landscape

white admiral butterfly_1359