IMGP6801c Marsh Tit, Lackford Lakes, February 2018

IMGP3793c 'Death Grip!' (look large), Lackford Lakes, June 2018

IMGP7537c (European) Hornet, Lackford Lakes, May 2018

IMGP7965c Great Tit, Lackford Lakes, February 2018

IMGP7521c Robin, Lackford Lakes, May 2018

IMGP0321c Banded Demoiselle (m), Lackford Lakes, May 2018

K32P1175c Migrant Hawker, Lackford Lakes, August 2018

K32P3802c Nuthatch, Lackford Lakes, September 2018

IMGP7880c Great Crested Grebe (swallowing lunch), Lackford Lakes, May 2018

IMGP7572c Nuthatch, Lackford Lakes, May 2018

IMGP7891c Great Crested Grebe, Lackford Lakes, May 2018

K32P3871c millimetres of despair!, Kingfisher, Lackford Lakes, September 2018

Mallard jump-jet

IMGP3693c Common Blue Damselflies, Lackford Lakes, June 2018

IMGP2655c Marsh Tit, Lackford Lakes, April 2018

IMGP3639c Common Blue Damselfly, Lackford Lakes, June 2018

IMGP1794c Black-tailed Skimmer, Lackford Lakes, June 2018

IMGP1071c Common Blue Damselfly, Lackford Lakes, May 2018

K32P7567c Little Egret, Lackford Lakes, September 2018

K32P7599c Little Egret, Lackford Lakes, September 2018

K32P7385c Gadwall, Lackford Lakes, September 2018

golden ripples

Indifferent skies on to days bike ride. #newmarket #suffolk #cambridgeshire #eastofengland #england #hibernot #icu_britain #ukpotd #ic_landscapes #loves_united_kingdom #ig_britishisles #britains_talent #capturingbritain #rsa_nature #uk_pho #ordnancesurvey

Fenland Snow Shed

Indifferent skies on to days bike ride. #newmarket #suffolk #cambridgeshire #eastofengland #england #hibernot #icu_britain #ukpotd #ic_landscapes #loves_united_kingdom #ig_britishisles #britains_talent #capturingbritain #rsa_nature #uk_pho #ordnancesurvey

Cathedral's Express

evening bluebells

Chemicals factory, Thetford

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Chippenham Park Gardens 14-10-2012

Chippenham Park Gardens 17-02-2013

Chippenham Park Gardens 24-06-2012

Chippenham Park Gardens 24-06-2012

Chippenham Park Gardens 24-06-2012

Chippenham Park Gardens 24-06-2012

Chippenham Park Gardens 14-10-2012

Chippenham Park Gardens 24-06-2012

Chippenham Park Gardens 14-10-2012

Trees Light

Weeting Church

IMGP3684c Kingfisher (with dragonfly larva), Lackford Lakes, September 2017

IMGP7008c Coal Tit, Lackford Lakes, February 2018