I think we're a little low...someone check our altitude!

Limpkin Chicks and Mommy

Eagle Hood Mascot by Rene Lalique

1939 Bantam Pickup

Let The Black Horse Run !

Jimmy's Got The Blues

Newborn Portrait Mute Swan Cygnats

Happy Valentine's Day!

1957 GMC Palomino P/U - Recently sold for $180,000.00 !

1958 GMC Suburban P/U

Drippy Duck

1957 GMC Panel Truck

Great Blue Heron

Lake Mirror Pastels

My view when i wake up... All my fav things... Minus my fav person #sadface #wakeup #punkrockwhitetrash

Dodge Dart

Brown Anole [Explored]

Water Lily in the Spotlight

Cardinal Fledgling on Our Porch

Rose in the Gardens

Florida Polytechnic University

Chamber of Commerce Kind of Day...

jun05 005

jun05 004

Dock in the lake

Another morning at Lake Hollingsworth.

Abandoned Pier

Lake Sunset rose

Yes, it's like this every Saturday!

Lake Mirror from Barnett park

White Heron

1957 Lockheed Martin

Lake Mirror, Downtown Lakeland

Saddle Creek Sunrise

Premature Sunset

sky tower (69/365)

Florida Southern College

Backwoods Challenge - Mud Run

Lake Mirror and Hollis Garden

What the F...?

Finally the rain stopped!

Lakeland, Florida 150/365