Les Rochers de Tablettes and the Alpes,sunset of 12 12 12 .No 1628.

Swiss winter time , a house with a view to the Alps. No. 3187.

Air 14

The city of Neuchâtel view from the Collegiale .December 22,2007. no.355.

A view to the Alps. Jura Mountains at winter time .February 10, 2013. No. 3171.

Storm coming

Air 14

Sea of clouds

Winter time in Switzerland . A house with a view of the Alps. No. 3164.

Rainbow over Serrières

Do you want my portrait ?

In volo con il B17 Memphis Belle, AIR14 Payerne Airshow 2014

Air 14

The castle of Neuchâtel

Neuchâtel by night

Nice sky and some trees

Forêt de Dame Othenette , Canton of Neuchatel. Switzerland. Illuminations. No. 2390.

Lake by night

Air 14

The hotel over the lake

Esplanade du Mont-Blanc

The Alps and the Lac of Neuchâtel. December 30, 2012 15:43:56. No. 2101.

Lac de Neuchâtel

Ambiance automnale (Provence, Vaud, Suisse)

Dans la vallée

Reflets dans l'étang

Light and shadows

Pavillon des bains, Chez-le-Bart (NE)

Sous le soleil exactement

Pointe du Grain

Into The Light

Apocalypse Sky

Lac de Neuchâtel

Pointe du Grain

Pointe du Grain

Next Ferry

Every day is like sunday ...Switzerland Neuchatel And The Mont Blanc .

Pointe du Grain

Lac de Neuchâtel

Lumière d'automne sur la Grande Cariçaie

DSC_0376 Feux d'artifice de Neuchâtel. Suisse

The Alps and the Lac of Neuchâtel. December 30, 2012 15:36:48. No. 2980.