_ DIfferentiaL Propagation and InterseCting Stories!

― Ode to Wine

_Seeing RED

_ The RaiseD eYe

— Recollections of Memory

Fog & Water.

Melbourne from Williamstown

Begonia Fantasy

_sTRUCtural constellation

Docklands New Quay 2013-03-08 (IMG_1721-5)

Hobsons Bay

Yarra Sunset II - HDR

― Il concetto di materialità trasparente: 'ambiente che si trasforma di continuo…

Monstering Melbourne

The Warehouse Garden.

― Appunto fiori

Queen City of the Golden South

_ the Proper State of MinD - Overcoming habitual patterns.

Reflections on the Yarrra River

_ Dangerous waters, seA of Fins

― RhombuS

A walk in the evening

Fed Square Poppies 2015-04-24 (_MG_0368)

Sandy Sunset

Surrey Park Lake Sunset - 3

Blast from the Past

Melbourne on a glorious spring day

rocks in sunset

beach in sunset ,hampton 08

On a clear day.............

sun worn

Yarra River sunset (re-processed) 2012-12-18 (_MG_8316_7_8)

Autumn in Melbourne2

Tree, path, city

Sunset at beach- Brighton 11092013


beach in sunset - hampton 04

The Jetty

Sand ripples sunset reflection

sunset at beach-- half moon bay 2

Into The Night

rocks in beach BW