blue mirror

blue mood @ the harbour

Can You be a Reflection of Me on Some Mirror ???

the night train

balcony with a view

Merry Xmas & Happy New Year

angel view

Looking for The Fourth Element

ghost town

Sails Down, Wings Up !!!

Panorámica del Puerto de Faro (Portugal)

Shape Your Path !!!

Timeless Oblivion

Grafitti in Olhaõ (i)

a new life is coming

Rio Formosa National Park in the Algarve, Portugal - May 2012

Urban Science: Gravity Challenge

a view from the balcony of my new home :)

Urban Light-Perch

yellow and blue

Ride on Distant Thoughts

golden pier

Fuseta beach

Last rays of sun.

Adormecendo ...

Ria Formosa

The End of the Day

true blue

Ria Formosa Sunset

Sunset 3

Path to the Sun

urban sunset ☼2

Winter Tales

pleasant evening

mother's lap

Tide Mill,Moinho do Sobrado

Sunset Beach

Por de Sol Africano no Algarve

Moon Reflection

Lost Boat 498

Um belo pôr do sol.

graphic nature i