Newbern, AL - The Subrosa (Memorial to Samuel Mockbee)

Newbern, AL - The Subrosa (Memorial to Samuel Mockbee)

Newbern, AL - Auburn Rural Studio

Marion, AL - Marion Military Institute (view from Washington Street)

Newbern, AL - Auburn Rural Studio

Marion, AL - Kenworthy Hall (1858-1860)

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Newbern, AL - Old Green Barn

AL- Newbern-4623

Newbern, AL - Newbern Presbyterian Church (1848)

AL- Newbern-4648

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Marion, AL - The Camellias (built early 1830s)

Visit to the Rural Studio, AL, August 2006

Visit to the Rural Studio, AL, August 2006

Visit to the Rural Studio, AL, August 2006

Visit to the Rural Studio, AL, August 2006

Discovering Peace

Perry Lakes Covered Bridge

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