NJ Festival of Ballooning - Mass Ascension at Sunset

Amtrak High Speed

land of magic

a fowl fall

wider falls

split falls


Winterscape View of Duke Brook and Falls at Duke Farms, Hillsborough, NJ

Platform Stairs

Beauty: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail........ Griggstown Grasslands Preserve

moon on ice

Vista Lake at Duke Farms

Church at Sunrise

As Time Goes By

Convection cell 3

Princess Tree

rapid flow

Washington Rock

going wide

choppin' wood

Thing's are Lookin' Up

NJ Festival of Ballooning - Sunrise

Fall Colors

High Up There

Clearwing Hummingbird Moth on Bergamot at Negri-Nepote Native Grassland Preserve of Franklin Township New Jersey

White Landscapes

The Mill Pond

Old Mill

Cattails during Dusk (Sunset) at Duke Farms, Hillsborough, NJ 01/19/2013

Farrington Dam


NS 4018 at Neshanic Station, NJ on August 30, 2018

unlucky clover



filter joy

Lawrence Brook

The gay boy's neigh!bor

Over the Horizon

at rest <|> in motion