As the sun sets on another year...

Wint Nature Center - Great Hall

Wint Nature Center - Great Hall

Independence Oaks-Lake View Shelter

Wint Nature Center - Great Hall

Independence Oaks-Lake View Shelter - Fall

Wint Nature Center - Great Hall

Wint Nature Center - Great Hall

View from Across the Pond

What day is it? Why fence friday of course!

We are never far from home.

1.21 Jiggawatts

The Crossing



Lake Sixteen Lifesaver

Lake Sixteen


Ultimate BoomBox (Front View)

A Solid Foundation

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Fog on Paint Creek trail

As the ocean surged, the fog rolled in (Explored!)

201901311609303 Per Skiing - Bald Mountain RA

A fall day at the lake

Gordonwood Camp and Conference Center - Lake Ekelund (0139)

HFF-old wooden post fence and country lane vanishing point (Explore!)

Indianwood Rainbow

Lighting The Way

In the Distance

Dock at Orion Oaks

Buhl Lake

HFF-a dark mood on the Paint Creek Trail

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Fun with photography. ????

Working the Back-40

Dive in


Serene Lake Sixteen

Bald Mountain

The curve from above