Starrs Mill

starrs mill fayette county georgia

starrs mill fayette county georgia

pike county east view cemetery zebulon georgia

pike county east view cemetery zebulon georgia

pike county east view cemetery zebulon georgia

pike county east view cemetery zebulon georgia

starrs mill fayette county georgia

pike county east view cemetery zebulon georgia

View from the Tracks, The ESCO Feed Mill in Haralson, Georgia, USA, HDR

starrs mill fayette county georgia

pike county east view cemetery zebulon georgia

pike county east view cemetery zebulon georgia

pike county east view cemetery zebulon georgia

pike county east view cemetery zebulon georgia

pike county east view cemetery zebulon georgia

pike county east view cemetery zebulon georgia

starrs mill fayette county georgia

pike county east view cemetery zebulon georgia

pike county east view cemetery zebulon georgia

pike county east view cemetery zebulon georgia

Starr Mill Waterfall

Lake Horton

Ola June 2011 (26)

Ola June 2011 (22)

Back at it.


The Shoreline

starrs mill fayette county georgia

SS 6-17-10 (DSC_0420)

starrs mill fayette county georgia

Ola June 2011 (23)

Out by Lake Horton

Misty Palette (DSC_0142)

Barn and Horses

Rural Georgia Home

Big Lake, Little Duck
