Out for a Saturday morning row on the river

October Moon

Big Wheel

Carnival: Ferris Wheel looking up

To succeed means that you may have to step out of line and march to the sound of your own drummer

Carnival: Big Wheel

Roswell Mill Falls in snow

Frozen: Even in the South

Carnival: Spider's Spinning Wheel

Carnival: Ferris Wheel

Pastel colored Easter sunset

Carnival: Expo Wheel

Carnival: Hurricane in motion

2nd platform-mist @ Dukes-Creek-falls

Marion #2

Gray Suede over the Knee Boots and her NEW Blue Dress

Yellow Lily

Carnival: Motion and Stillness

Past Time

Warming in the sun

Proceed With Caution

Lightly Filtered

Sunset on the River

roswell mill waterfall

Incoming storm

Another Sunset at the Swamp

Kennesaw Mtn. Battlefield

This Was Home

Wintery Marshland

Roswell Mill Dam - Explore 3-29-2013

The End Of Fall At Roswell Mill

Class 1 Slow Shutter Speed

Vickery Creek

2011-12-26 at 15-15-45

Nature's Pallete

Oaks By the Railroad Tracks, Marietta, Georgia

Walking around the complex.

2011-12-26 at 15-29-19

Class 1 Fast Shutter Speed

Lake at night

2011-12-26 at 15-07-00