Butterstone Loch- Season's End

Autumn forest


Tree Face

Birnam Hill View

Rohallion Lodge

Strathmore from Tulybaccart

Glen Isla from the Kilry road

The Misty Tay

Autumn in the Glens

Kinclaven Woods Springtime.

Polney Loch Spring time.

A place for a wrest

getting it right

Dunsinane Hill

Bridge over the River Braan - The Hermitage

River Tay Autumn Colours 2

Coupar Angus station, 1984

Dunkeld Autumn Colours

Polney Loch

Not a bad view from the bedroom.

Birnam Glen

Flood 3: Winter fire

Misty Tay

The Inchewan Falls

Spring Colours on the Tay

Atholl Woods

The Angus Glens (explored)

Countryside at Perth and Kinross... [Scotland, UK - 2011]

Four Counties Woodland

Atholl Woods

Forest Light

Birnam Glen

Polney Loch

Early Autumn .

Polney loch