Split Rock - 1

Gods Country

Split Rock - 2

My Playground #2

Dugger Creek Falls

Viaduct 2013

Cascade on Boone Fork Creek

is it summer yet... hbw my friends ;-)

Autumn on Boone Fork

Linville Falls


Go. Explore. Connect. Tanawha Trail Rough Ridge Blue Ridge Parkway

Evening Descends Over Linville Gorge

Linville Falls

Cliffside At Wiseman's View

Northern view from Rough Ridge Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway

The Who - I can see for miles and miles

Dugger's Creek Falls Detail

Linville Gorge Skyline

Linn Cove Viaduct

Hawksbill & Bloom 17/52

Grandfather mountain (iPhone photos)

Blue Ridge Parkway over the Linville River

Linville Caverns

Autumn near Grandfather Mt

Grandfather mountain (iPhone photos)

Blue Ridge Pkwy thru the trees

Down River 9/52

North Harper Creek

Trees in Bloom with Lens Flare

Grandfather mountain (iPhone photos)

NC Boone Fork Creek Tanawha Hiking Trail

Bard Falls III

Plunge Basin

Grandfather mountain (iPhone photos)

Linville River [8812]

Milepost 303

Linville Caverns

Grandfather mountain (iPhone photos)