1997 04-19 1300-1 CP/D&H SD40-2-5428 N/B 557 Scranton, PA

1997 04-19 1300-2 CP/D&H SD40-2-5428 N/B 557 Scranton, PA

2018 06-16 1541.8 DL&W F3As-664, 663 W/B Scranton, PA

She said she usually cried at least once each day not because she was sad, but because the world was so beautiful & life was so short.

Canadian National Railways 3377 (1919) - Thank you for "Explored!"

Union Pacific Big Boy 4012 In The Snow Black and White!

Reading 2124 Steam Engine In The Snow!

Canadian Atlantic Railway Diesel Locomotive, Scranton, Pennsylvania

Locomotive 3254 On the Turntable

Scranton Pennsylvania - HOTEL JERMYN - Historic Building

Roundhouse Lineup at Steamtown, Scranton, Pennsylvania

Union Pacific Big Boy 4012 In The Snow!

Autumn in Twilight

Winter Falls

Union Pacific Big Boy Steam Locomotive 4012!

Jessica Simpson peep toe heels, Long Sexy Legs, and Cleavage

Reading 2124 Steam Locomotive!

Electric City Trolley Museum #76

Union Pacific 4012 Black and White

Alco Lineup

Scranton Times Building- Scranton PA (1)

Na Aug

Nay Aug Park, Scranton, PA, June 12, 2019

South Side, Scranton, PA, June, 2019

Baldwin #26 at Nay Aug Gorge

Autumn's Approach

Huskypup's View

Montage Mountain

State Park Road

Little Rocky Glen Preserve (2)

Roaring Brook

Nay Aug Falls, Scranton, PA, June, 2019

Nay Aug Park Gorge, Scranton, PA, June 12, 2019

Nay Aug Falls - II, Scranton, PA, June 12, 2019

Misty Morning

Griffin Pond reflection

The Flats, Scranton, PA, June, 2019

Above the Susquehanna

D&H 456

Panera Bread

Nay Aug Park in the Fall