© Art Braitman

Mirror Mirror on the Wall....

Solitary Sandpiper

Wood Duck Hen


Valley Forge - Maurice Stephens House (Rear Spring or Milk House Field View)

An Eagle's Dinner

Eye on You...

Building 17 at Norristown State Hospital

♥Merry Christmas To All My Flickr Friends♥

Drunk chicks

An Interesting Mother

the Rainbow Duck

This is for me? Are you sure?


the Least & the Worm

Least Standing Tall

a Natural Elegance

a Wooden Duck

Let's Here It for the Ladies!

Lesser Yellowlegs

Falls (IR)

Devil's Pool

Valley of Fog

Lighting the Way

The canon at Muhlenberg Brigade

Magargee Dam Waterfalls On The Wissahickon

Mid Summer Morning

January 2008 - Frozen Run-Off

Blaze Through the Blades

Happy New Year!

365/Day15 - The other direction

Thomas Mill Covered Bridge [06.22.19]

Neat tree on the path at Morris Arboretum

Winter in Evansburg

Marsh Wren (Cistothorus palustris)

Muhlenberg Sunrise

Morning Light in Valley Forge NP

365/Day10 - Places to breathe

November Perkiomen

Evansburg State Park - Skippack Creek