iPhone 3G on Keyboard

Toyota Partial car wrap in Orlando

Carpenter-mimic Leafcutter (Megachile xylocopoides) on Butterweed (Packera glabella)

Thick-headed Fly (Physocephala floridana) on Butterweed (Packera glabella)

Orlando food truck wrap by TechnoSigns

Chevrolet car wrap in Orlando

Orlando truck wrap

day84: Cheers!

Ford Transit Connect vehicle wrap by TechnoSigns

Toyota Prius partial car wrap

Police vehicle wrap by TechnoWraps.com in Orlando

Six-spotted Fishing Spider (Dolomedes triton)

Giant Robber Flies or False Bee-killers (Promachus bastardii) on Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia)

Water Hazard

Drying the Wings ~

hazel eyes

Olympus OM Zuiko 50mm f/1.4

Asahi SMC Takumar 50mm f/1.4

I love my view this afternoon. A little while longer and then my project list is calling.

Eastern Amberwing (Perithemis tenera)

Wedge-shaped Beetle (Macrosiagon sayi) on Purple Thistle (Cirsium horridulum)

93/365 - Stretching the horizon

Trying to Break Through

Gray Hairstreak (Strymon melinus) on Tall Elephantsfoot (Elephantopus elatus)

Juniper Hairstreak (Callophrys gryneus sweadneri) on Butterweed (Packera glabella)

A Florida Sunset

Atardecer en el río (Sunset on the river)


Econlockhatchee River.

Orlando Wetlands Sunrise

Orlando Wetlands Park




Where Is the Spider?



~ Bright Cold Day ~

This is the part of Orlando I love. A lovely hike with @steveseliger and @leeloo4 #hiking #rei1440project #camp4pix #omniten @potableaqua #wetlands #landscape_lovers #landscape #florida #nature #conservation #lake #exploremore



Before the rain (2)