Labrador Olympics

to the vanishing point


2011-09-25 15.27.41

2011-09-25 15.28.15

2011-04-05 11.05.40

Palos Heights City Administration Center, Palos Heights

The Haunting

Just an ollie

i saw this view and thought of you

Happy Easter

I am Beetle, hear me roar!

2011-06-12 11.13.37

Two Million

degrees outside and snowing, yet...




2011-07-10 20.05.21

2011-06-12 11.14.23

2011-06-05 13.21.58

Ye Olde Prairie

Whiskey Summer

Orland Grasslands

Fall Classics

22/365 - Explored!

Much Soon

Sister Trees

how soon is now?

Walking #trail to a #logcabin #path #nature

Remnants of the Illinois & Michigan Canal

As the Sun Goes Down

day vs night

Spring Green

More woods walking.

saganashkee slough. may 2014

5.22.2010 Pulaski Woods (13)

october 4th at turtlehead lake. 2013

the landscape of moving noise

golden hour

Lemont, Illinois - Waterfall Glen

harry bus yourell water aeration plant. december 2014