Sighting down the Cascades from 10,000 feet in 2001

Mt. Adams from on high

As the last light departs the day, tracks in Pine Grove point to Mt Adams

Not much better view from a brewery than @SoleraBrewery! #craftbeer #beer #beerporn #beertography #instabeer

Mt. Hood, the western wall of the Hood River Valley

Tracks headed toward Mt Hood From Pine Grove pass by flowering pear groves

Into the dandy lion

Spring blossoms in the Hood River Valley

Hole-in-the-Wall Falls lower cascade start

Afterglow at Viento

Columbia River panorama from viewpoint on Starvation Creek Trail

Pear blossom time in the Hood River Valley

Mt Hood Orchard

Hood & the Highway

Orange Rose

Hole In The Wall Falls

The Fruit Company

View From Viento State Park

At Hand

Pear Blossoms

Cabin Creek Falls

Mt Hood from the north

Punch bowl Fall

Recycling Winter's Snowpack......

Hood River Valley orchards in bloom

Starvation Creek

Wildfire! The Columbia River Gorge burns

Luscious green: rain's gift

Memorial Day fishing in The Gorge

Hood River, Hood River Valley, Hood River City: Outdoor adventure paradise

Starvation Creek Waterfalls

Starvation Creek, Columbia River Gorge

Mount Hood above Laurence Lake