^^^ Bird's Eye View ^^^

Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius. ~Pietro Aretino

Northstar Commuter Rail from Anoka, MN, to Coon Rapids, MN, on May 4, 2012.

Fallen siltfence with spring wildflowers and distant residences.

Creek idea.

View of the cloudy ocean. My beautiful perpetual sunset for hours. #latergram #pardonmewhileikissthesky

Just My Imagination

Close Call

Night Moves

A woman's dress should be like a barbed-wire fence: serving its purpose without obstructing the view. ~ Sophia Loren

Fire {50/50 - 11}

My backyard...

Male hoverfly on Canada thistle

Mc01/04/08 - Ronald Mcvisited

Japanese spirea flowers

GRE View

1929 Cord L-29

A Late Amtrak #8 Near Ramsey, MN

Nike freeks

Three Leaves

1969 Ford XL

Weekly Photo Challenge - Things that makes you go Hmmmm

Evening Run

The Night Calls

storm 8/6/13, wright co MN10

storm 8/6/13, wright co MN11

Hoar frost

Somewhere over Canada, ay, the landscape roots me home. #latergram #pa #ontario #lovelytree #snow #life #pardonmewhileikissthesky

And the sun came! #latergram #pardonmewhileikissthesky #mysufjanstevenslookingrowmatecuriouslylookedon #seewhatididthere #fanwellbeforechicago #notahipster anyway

storm 8/6/13, wright co MN7

Walk with me for a while and we'll follow the path to our dream.

storm 8/6/13, wright co MN8

Sunday Morning - Hints of Spring color!

Color My Eyes...

Making Hay

I'll always be by your side.

Fall colors at Maple Grove Arboretum

Frost line

Who is more foolish, the child afraid of the dark or the man afraid of the light? ~ Maurice Freehill

Training facilities - or running the field, really!

storm 8/6/13, wright co MN3
