Pair of Swans (mc0802-03-130)

Fire {50/50 - 11}

Minnesota, Sherburne County, Kragero School, District 47 (224)

CN 2015 in April 2015, Ex-CNW 8516

Close Call

A woman's dress should be like a barbed-wire fence: serving its purpose without obstructing the view. ~ Sophia Loren

Just My Imagination

Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius. ~Pietro Aretino

Night Moves

Spirit In The Sky

AMTK 173 in Becker, MN

Three Leaves

Northstar Commuter Rail from Big Lake, MN, to Elk River, MN, on May 4, 2012.

Expanse of tank area.

BNSF 8187 passing the Northstar Station in Big Lake, MN, on 02/03/2011

My backyard...

BNSF 7817 lead a tank car empty WB through Becker, MN, on 02/26/2011

BNSF 5705 west of Becker, MN, on 03/31/2011

Coal load heading into the plant in Becker, MN, in -15F temps! on 01/22/2011

Monti Sunset

Road View Exterior of Elk River Tire and Auto Repair Shop near Elk River, MN

Moonlight in the Glade

October Pumpkins

peaceful scene?

Walk with me for a while and we'll follow the path to our dream.

Thirsty Thursday

Winter {50/50 - 17}

Becker, Minnesota

Butterfly-weed (Asclepias tuberosa)

Foggy Oak Tree

Fog Prairie II Asclepias tuberosa

Oak Savanna

Sinking Barn, Rising Sun

Snow-kicking SD40s

The Night Calls

Shadows {50/50 - 3}