Bethleem view

ramparts walk

Palestine Sunbird - Cinnyris osea

Common Myna - Acridotheres tristis

Green-cheeked Parakeet - Pyrrhura molinae

Jérusalem, Israël

Old Jerusalem wall

Palestine Sunbird - Cinnyris osea

Eurasian Blackbird - Turdus merula

Black-capped Jay Garrulus - Glandarius ssp. atricapillus

Hooded Crow - Corvus cornix

Mahane Yehuda Market

White-spectacled Bulbul - Pycnonotus xanthopygos

Eurasian Blackcap - Sylvia atricapilla

Great Tit - Parus major

Old Jerusalem with Temple Mount

European Bee-eater - Merops apiaster

European Bee-eater - Merops apiaster

Bird ?

Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock viewed from Bell Tower of Church of the Redeemer in Old City of Jerusalem Israel

Panoramic view of Sunset of the Old City viewed from Mount of Olives - Jerusalem Israel

Jerusalem, Vorstadt

Mar Saba Convent / دير القديس ثيودوسيوس - PALESTINE

Mosque of Omar ibn Al-Khattab

Segways in the Jaffa Gate

Two of us going nowhere

The Mount of Olives and Al Aqsa

Jerusalem's hills, 2

Mt Olive cemetery

Tower of David

Goodbyes are hard

Jaffa Gate

Western Wall in Jerusalem.

There is a green hill far away

Snowy Night in Jerusalem

Dome of the Rock

Religious Hotspot

Dome of the Rock

Bedouins' path

Jerusalén desde el Monte de los Olivos