it's not about the destination, it's about the journey

Foliage point on Great River Ride (this time with sheep!)

Farm Road

The Soothing Flow of a Woodland Stream

Nature's Lines and Curves

A Brook in Fall

Porch View

The Mill Stream

Chesterfield Gorge

Clark Hill in Worthington, Massachusetts

Sandhill Crane

Top of the Falls

work view

valley view

Pony Mountain, Ashfield

Sandhill Crane

Sandhill Crane

View from Pony Mountain

Sandhill Crane

Cemetery gate

Summertime Greenery

Song Sparrow

Chesterfield Gorge

Colored River

Waiting for the Fairies

Common Yellowthroat

Chesterfield Gorge

Common Yellowthroat

Glendale Falls

Black-and-white Warbler

Swamp Sparrow

Swamp Sparrow

Glendale Falls 2

Autumn Falls

Common Yellowthroat

Northern Waterthrush

30. KB5 ENDS sandy beach. after field