Pitcher Plants

Tiger beetle--detail

Bigger bird grasshopper

Cold Winter Flow

Trichopoda mating

Curious as a Toddler

All My Spots...

A very HFDF!

Day-flying moth (for WW)

Field of Vision

Foggy Day on the Haw

Autumn Roses

Colors are Back

Someone's Kayak Spot

Pitcher Plants

Where is your bounty of fortune and fame?

In the end, Nature always wins.

Night View from Bynum Bridge

Pinchy green beetle

The Forest Theatre

The stars above the barren trees was his only audience.

Bolin Creek 4 (IR)

Down River

Watching eagles

One Of My Spots

The Sound of Peace

Pines on the Haw

Almost Winter on the Haw

Haw River B&W

Laurel Avenue

Watching the Watcher

Beginning of Winter on the Haw

Small Town Dam

The Endless Fall

River Turns to Lake

Sunset In Black & White

Haw River at Bynum Bridge

Robeson Creek Drone Pano

Seasons Change

Last Days of Summer on the Haw