A view of Ierusalem

In hope that violence will stop soon!

Bethleem view

ramparts walk

Divine Maintenance

Lesser Fiery Copper - Lycaena thersamon

Common Myna - Acridotheres tristis

Palestine Sunbird - Cinnyris osea

Green-cheeked Parakeet - Pyrrhura molinae

Jérusalem, Israël

Old Jerusalem wall

Palestine Sunbird - Cinnyris osea

View from Mt. Scopus.

Eurasian Blackbird - Turdus merula

Bath White - Pontia daplidice

Lasiommata maera orientalis

Hooded Crow - Corvus cornix

Black-capped Jay Garrulus - Glandarius ssp. atricapillus

Mount Zion

Mahane Yehuda Market

Large White - Pieris brassicae

Jerusalem, Vorstadt

Mar Saba Convent / دير القديس ثيودوسيوس - PALESTINE

Jerusalén desde el Monte de los Olivos

Jerusalén desde el Monte de los Olivos

Jerusalén desde el Monte de los Olivos

Traffic jam on the way from Jerusalem after working week.

Mish'ol HaPninim Garden

Mountain Gazelle - Gazella gazella

On the way from Jeruslaem

Tomb of Zachariah, Cave of the Sons of Hezir; Mt of Olives ancient cementary

Mosque of Omar ibn Al-Khattab

Segways in the Jaffa Gate

Gethsemane Gardens behind the Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem

Old City Walls

Two of us going nowhere

The Mount of Olives and Al Aqsa

Israel - Old David's City

View of Arab Neighborhood from Old City, Jerusalem, Israel

Damascus Gate (Israel)