Let's talk about choice.. ok?

The French Horn.....Silky Smooth and Mellow ...............

152/365 - Gulf of Mexico

Lightning near Courtney Campbell Causeway

Another view from the papyrus.

Infrared Jungle

View from the dock.

View from the Eleventh

Blowin In The Wind

Tonight's view from the dock.

My La Sardina Grand Cru

Pier 60 Clearwater Beach

north by northeast

Clearwater Bridge

Sunset On Sand Key

Lifeguard Hut

Remember Then Feathery Friday

My Inspiration With Sand

Roseate Spoonbill

Someone painted an orange sky over the water

Clearwater Beach, Florida

iPhone photos from 2011

Clearwater Beach Pier

The Boat [Explore July 20]

Gentle waves at dusk.

2017-02-08_DSCF9316_painterly 2,color sat100photo_ Chestnut Park

Drive-by Florida suburbia.

The canal behind the pool and tennis courts.

Lake Tarpon

Bar-winged Skimmer (Libellula axilena)

Burst of Light

Beautiful Ending To A Beautiful Day **Seen In Explore**

Just before the Rain

Dusk at Sand Key Beach

Sunset at Pier 60

Pier 60

Sunset at Clearwater

You know that feeling?