From Here to There

The Snow is Always Whiter...

Week 42 - Cloud Streams

Belleville Dam

Albertson Farm

Red barn with barn quilt in snow scene

Negative in Everything

The Ol' WD

Cloud Mountains

Snow Fence

Positive in Everything

Barn on High

National Geographic Photo of the Day

Winter on the farm

Car For Sale

Morning Residue

Misty Rays

Belleville Tunnel

Gilded Gum

Paoli Tree Farm

office view

Morning Mist

The Calm Before

Sunday Morning Fog

All Nature Laughed in the Sunshine


Fog Over Cat Tails

The Same Breath

A Darker Kind of Red

Still Enduring

Standing Guard

Swiss United Flare

Separated After the Storm

Donald Park

Donald Park

That Peaceful Morning Glow

Rows of Green

Golden Glow

Donald Park