


Tea time

India 2012

Working hard in India

Early morning run 16km and 600m swimming. #morningrun #runforfun #gooutside #running #trailandultra #swimming #joyofrun #runlong #motivation #inspiration #instago #instarunner #runnershoutouts #runningman #runnerscommunity #tri_community #fitness #ironman

Lavandería ambulante y otras formas de buscarse la vida

Servicio Técnico

Callejón con salida

De ventanas, rejas y celosías

Zapatero remendón

20150731_170547 Yellow flowers

lanscape on the way to jaipur

Sadhu 3

2640 - Jaipur To Delhi, India - 2014.

2641 - Jaipur To Delhi, India - 2014.

2642 - Jaipur To Delhi, India - 2014.

2643 - Jaipur To Delhi, India - 2014.

2644 - Jaipur To Delhi, India - 2014.

2645 - Jaipur To Delhi, India - 2014.

2646 - Jaipur To Delhi, India - 2014.

2647 - Jaipur To Delhi, India - 2014.

2648 - Jaipur To Delhi, India - 2014.