Eastern Grey Squirrel on a tree (Sciurus carolinensis)

METRO-NORTH--112 lv Patterson OB. 3 of 3

Rick Sammon's Backyard Workshop (Croton-on-Hudson, New York) (2015-07)

Rick Sammon's Backyard Workshop (Croton-on-Hudson, New York) (2015-07)

Rick Sammon's Backyard Workshop (Croton-on-Hudson, New York) (2015-07)

Beauty in Buddha



Harlem Valley Psychiatric Center

DUTCHESS COUNTY TRANSIT--509 lv Hannaford, Pawling, NY. 2 of 2

Eastern Newt (Notophthalmus viridescens)

Harlem Valley Psychiatric Center

Polo Observation.

METRO-NORTH--112 lv Patterson OB. 1 of 3

Richardson Road Slab Roofed Chamber

View from Below

trains 032

"Nah, nah, you can't catch me!"

AppTrail at NY22 110205a

Nesting Red-Eyed Vireo

AppTrail at NY22 102605a

Frosted Farmstead

Autumn in New York

Fishkill Creek

Chimney Top

Harlem Valley Psychiatric Center

Train in the Rain

AppTrail at NY22 110205b

AppTrail at NY22 102605b

AppTrail at NY22 011206

See the Light

Pells Bridge

Ten Mile River

the Matt Siren Cornmaze at Barton Orchards

Macedonia State Park, Kent, Connecticut

Harlem Valley Psychiatric Center

Yoga Pawling Nature Reserve

The Great Swamp reflection