K820-23 with a gift from FLA.
Crest View Motel - Cedar Lake, Indiana
Southwest Airlines departure view
Governors State University 096
Governors State University Campus 089
Warm Up
The view from the beach....
C&EI Beecher Depot
C&EI At Sollitt - 1
Vermilion Valley 2013 Calendar
At #colossuspits #scenery #philgates #photography #gatesdesigns
"Illinois Landscape No 5" by John Henry
"Illinois Landscape No. 5"
A tree fell on my favorite part of the trail....
Happy Trails!
#grayandgreen #spring #rural #country #illinois #noillianatollway
Grant Park 02-02-2015
State Line Road
Gorgeous #happy3rdofjuly #70s
Mating Worms at University Park
John Henry "Illinois Landscape No. 5" (2016-05-30_04-28-50)
Lake County Field
Lake Metonga
Wicked Wave Clouds
Kite Fly Festival 2015