View from Grove Park Inn - Asheville NC

The View from the Grove Park Inn

North Carolina Blue Ridge Parkway Landscape Photography Asheville NC

Catawba Falls Cascade

1947 Willy's Rat Rod (Asheville, North Carolina)

Asheville NC Blue Ridge Parkway Spring Flowers North Carolina

in a fog (Explore)

Lookout Mountain

Steam Dreams *explore*

Locust Borer (Megacyllene Robiniae) at Craggy Gardens (Blue Ridge Parkway)

Asheville NC Blue Ridge Parkway Pinnacle

Solar Eclipse viewing, Black Mountain, NC

Blue Ridge Parkway Asheville NC - Enduring Craggy

the road unknown

North Carolina Blue Ridge Parkway Asheville Nc Landscape

Solar Eclipse viewing, Black Mountain, NC

first light

Grove Park Inn

Old Pure Gas Station 1

Viewing West from Craggy Gardens Visitor Center

An Appalachian sunset over Asheville, North Carolina

Catawba empties on the loops

Home sweet home

early winter landscape, stone pathway, tall trees, near dusk, grounds, Kenilworth Inn, Asheville, NC, Mamiya 645 Pro, mamiya sekkor 45mm f-2.8, Foma 400, HC-110 developer, 11.10.20

Until You Reach The Sun

Asheville NC Blue Ridge Parkway Spring Flowers Scenic Landscape

Asheville, North Carolina Skyline

Catawba coal on the loops

looking up, old abandoned homestead, urban decay, Asheville, NC, 6x6 pinhole camera, Ilford FP4+, Moersch Eco film developer, 3.5.20

Southern at Andrew's Geyser

Dawn in the Appalachian Mountains / Amanhecer nos Montes Apalaches

foggy ride

Rime Ice

135 crossing Mill Creek

back alley, fire escape, power lines, downtown, Asheville, NC, No. 1 Autographic Kodak Jr., Kodak Tri-X 400, Moersch Eco film developer, late March 2020.jpg

Hiking Trail on Warren Wilson College Property