BNSF 8453 West

Feed Lot Panorama

1959 Dodge Coronet, Montana Auto Museum 8/9/2015

Avon, Montana 59713

Powell County Courthouse,Montana


Paddle-tailed Darner [ Aeshna palmata ] male

Deer Lodge (Mont.), 5 July 1986

Pale Snaketail [ Ophiogomphus severus ] male

view from the rear

Mountain View Over Wall

Approaching Avon

US - Avon, Montana

MRL 264 with work train

Montana Daylight Runs Through It


BNSF 7532, 6614, 7319, 619 & 4489

Clark Fork, off of US Interstate 90, MT

BNSF freight in Montana countryside

Grant Kohrs Ranch

Ahead of the Storm


Along the Little Blackfoot

BNSF 9307 West

Grant-Kohrs National Historic Site

Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site

Grant-Kohrs National Historic Site

Grant-Kohrs National Historic Site

Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site, Deer Lodge, Montana

Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site, Deer Lodge, Montana

Ranch House, Grant--Kohrs RanchWarren Ranch, MT (2)

Welcome to Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site, MT