Chapel of the Archangels

Summer Evening In Wisconsin

Evening at Beaver Dam Lake

a room with a view...

a view across the water...

Over the Hills and Through the Woods...

A Complete View

Rogers Cinema 5 (Beaver Dam, WI)

Just Making A Point

Wisconsin clouds closeup

Wisconsin Clouds

Island Hopping

country living

Streich Motors

Wright & Like 2008 081

Overhead view of Dodge County Fair

Wright & Like 2008 077

Wright & Like 2008 085

Overhead view of Radio Park

Wright & Like 2008 076

Sunset on Beaver Dam Lake

Wisconsin Corn

hope is the thing with feathers...

rustic orange and navy blue of sunset

nothing is more memorable...

Wisconsin Sunset

Wisconsin Farm

a synonym for God: Beauty!

Beaver Dam Lake Sunset

matchless wonder!

beauty reflected!

Beaver Dam Lake

wisdom: may we learn from experience...

glorious light!

abandoned train

when words become unclear...

Beaver Dam Lake

superb colors at sunset!