Before sunrise, everything is blue. (Antes del Amanecer).

Library, Gazebo & Flag- HFF!

Fishing With a Camera

Sunset from the top of the Ponce de Leon Lighhouse, Daytona Beach, Florida

Nearly Perfect

Catching Some Rays- HFF!

Back to Earth. (De Regreso a la Tierra).

Forest at Bushman Park

Refections at Dunes Park. (reflejos en el amanecer).

Washed Up v2.0

A Florida Hay field. (Campo de Heno).

Under the Sunglow Fishing Pier. (Debajo del muelle).

Washed Up

Overshadowing Sunrise

Sunset at Spruce Creek Park

Grand Gazebo- HBM!

View at the Top

Weeping Magnolia

First view of the Lighthouse. (Primera vista del faro).

Sand Dunes Fence. (La cerca en la arena).

Gators Eye View

Blue Moon descends

Clouds reflections on low waves. [Explored], (Reflejos en las olas bajas), (Reflets des nuages sur les petites vagues)

Sandpiper's morning stroll. (De madrugada).

Sunrise at the inlet

Sunrise in B&W

Daytona Beach, Florida

My oblong gallery/print ordering site seems to have crashed while I was trying to approve some orders... So now I'm just relaxing by the river!

Strictly Southern

West of Eden

Hello, Sunshine

A morning walk

Once in a blue moon. (De vez en cuando).

Sundog ☀️

Smryna Dunes Park

South at Sunrise

Capturing the Sunglow. (Retratando el brillo del sol).