
Good morning world! From a breathtaking #lovewins ???? sight here in Bayawan. #Bayawan #NegrosOriental #Philippines #travel #nature #photography #waterfalls #rainbow

My Beautiful Honey Monica on the beach. Cool small fishing boats in the back ground on the ocean. Love it, Love Monica. Kim:)

Yes never to young to start learning how to,play the piano. Great thing. #kvs #crohns #philippines # learning # play #piano???? #cool#youngkids# music #joyofmusic #crohnie #lds

Venus praying in Primary. So cute.

Done. Come and get it....

Two pigs Mmmmmmm

Mmmmmmm going to cook pig.

Even a Zip line. Great place .

Yes Monica my Beautiful love.

My Beautiful , amazing, woman Monica I love so much. Yahooo... Kim:)


Monica laying & resting in her Little z store. I am taking with her on Skype.

Monica in her Little Store. Resting abdominal talking to me on Skype.

4-7-2017 Friday morning . Resting after selling things in her little store. Which the kids start coming at 6.00 am . This is around 1.00,pm. Amazing woman, so,proud of her. Love her so much. Kim:)

Venus just graduated from pre-school & be starting 1st grade. Monica my Honey and Venus Aunt was in back of Venus.So Proud of ...Venus...... Kim:)

Cool ride it.

There is melancholy behind every 'SMILE' and pain behind every 'OK'. So don't me! #ChinUp

Thanks @regatta_clothing for the style & comfort in my every waterfall chasing adventure. #WhereTheFunIs #regatta #thebisdakexplorer #bayawan #negrosoriental #philippines #travel #nature #photography #colorsplash #vsco

Monica fall over her dog doing brown out. And Hite the floor out side. Wow it hurt she said, but she brave . Ton,s of kissssss to make it better. So so Sorry Honey. Love Kim:)

Amazing Super Moon over the Philippines area.

Colorful Phillippines flowers

My Beautiful Honey Monica at branch in Bayawan.