North By Northwest Redux

Railroad Bridge over Brazos River at Sealy, Texas 0410101124

Railroad Bridge over Brazos River at Sealy, Texas 0410101126BW

Railroad Bridge over Brazos River at Sealy, Texas 0410101127BW

Railroad Bridge over Brazos River at Brookshire, Texas 1113091035BW

Exterior view Sealy Kids Dentistry

Crop Duster Going Around For Another Pass

Old Barn and Fence

Brazos River

lingering recollections

Ox-bow Lakes & Evening Shadows

Ariel view of Sealy Dental Center building

Exterior view of Sealy Orthodontics

Party time at the ranch

Chuck is a duck. This is...

Pumkin Patch 3

Christmas Tree Farm

Sealy Brdge I

Sealy Bridge Detail

Sealy Bridge II

Sealy Bridge III

Texas Spring

Sealy Bridge IV

San Felipe Texas

Reciprocating Oil Pump And Storage Tanks

Gas Field With Pumps

Jack Pumps And Storage Tanks

Two Jack Pumps In A Field

Wetland Sweep

Two Horsehead Pumps

Jack Pump Well At the Freeway

Hay In Rolls

river bend trail -vista point

wren loop trail - brazos vista 2