night lights

Views from the 6ix.

one view from the new apartment. [Explored]

darck corner

Ceci n'est pas un bâtiment

gentle day

CityWestPlace - Building 1 Lobby Entrance View

Homage To Fred Picker

Galleria View

Citycenter Plaza on Beltway 8 & Interstate 10

I've Looked At Clouds...

Bear Creek Forest in IR


Strange Landscape 1

Memorial Hermann

Arboretum Bee

Christmas at the Galleria

Some people ask why I keep a bottle of Windex in my glove box. Answer: thousands of little girlfriend-applied toe prints… occasionally footprints, but she's short, so in those cases she's really just messing with me.

Stereoscope views of Texas yesteryear.

Tanglewood Apartments - Fountain View

~ sunshine on a cloudy day ~

Bayou ran over its banks

Sundown on the bayou

autumn [Explored]

Gerald D. Hines Waterwall Park - Houston, Texas


Memorial Trees, Study 2

Houston Galleria Area Skyline 5 - Schlumberger and Marathon Oil

Mountwood St. Bridge

Galleria Area Skyline-Aerial-March 2019-Mabry Campbell

Houston Skyline Over Eleanor Tinsley Park

Uptown Houston Skyline

Fall Around The Edges II

Above South Blvd No. 12

Sts Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church at Dubina Panorama

Rising Sun Fallen Tree

Toronto Skyline - Toronto Railway Museum 3

What is sunrise


Houston Galleria Area Skyline 3

Memorial Trees, Study 3