Earth and Water

Ceci n'est pas un bâtiment


Houston Coffee and Cars 10/02/2010 The Gumpert Apollo - Top View

Some people ask why I keep a bottle of Windex in my glove box. Answer: thousands of little girlfriend-applied toe prints… occasionally footprints, but she's short, so in those cases she's really just messing with me.

Porsche Carrera GT

Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Hindu Temple

Memorial High School Theatre

Houston Arboretum (infrared)

Day 353 - In my secret life

Boardwalk (Infrared)

Bear Creek Forest in IR

I've Looked At Clouds...

"Top floor alone the view will leave you breathless." Houston photography is m'fave. Discover Your City Architecture Urban Geometry at 1200 Post Oak

Arboretum Bee

View Dew

17th floor view

Williams WaterWall

Houston streets view

Day 256 - Multi-tasking

365.111 Satcitananda (सच्चिदानन्द)

A December day in Sugar Land #2

Splash rise

053-17879053 BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir

my own personal sunset just for me

Williams WaterWall

Williams WaterWall

Williams WaterWall

Waterworks @ Oyster Creek Park, Sugar Land , Texas

This morning

Sofie and baretrees - another one of my favorite combos...

BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir

Observation tower at Cullinan Park


Texas SkY's

Another one from that day at the park... Sunsets at this time of year can be pretty stunning.

After Rain

Its a midsummer afternoon and no one is chillin

Sky lake. Cold evening

Fading Trees

A winter landscape in Fort Bend County