Showered with Snow

Barriers - Color

Fall Walk - Explore

Spring Flood

view from the former Virginia apartments

lace curtains

view from the top

Winter Forest

Beach facilities

lake and sun view

Winter 10-60

Coughing on conifers can kill

Diagonal growth pattern

Living life on the edge

view of attached dunes

When life gives you sand, make a beach

Beach go-ers at Warren Dunes State Park

Bridgman traffic liight

Looking through falling water

Trail to hike the dunes

St. Joseph, MI Lighthouses - viewed from the South Pier

lasar dawn

Barriers - Wide

Summer in December

Trees in the Park

Sunset and Storm

Sunset at Grand Mere Lake

Forest Floor

Out to Sea

Sunset over Lake Michigan

Looking Up

Disappearing Trail - Explore

Walking Trail

Contrails in a winter sky

A Day in the Dunes

Sunset through the trees

Fall Colors

Bright Red

Snowy Beach - Explore

Springtime Michigan Forest

Storm Front

Summer Rain