Roseate Spoonbill

Space Shuttle Discovery Launch 10 Second Exposure of Smoke Trail

Roseate Spoonbill

Mysterious Colorful Clouds in the Sky after Space Shuttle Launch (STS131)

STS-133 Launch (Explore, #181, 2/24/2011)

Great Egret_1404-2

Another View of Christmas in the Rocket Garden

Launch of STS-130 from Space View Park

Mini Wildflowers at Blackpoint Drive, Titusville. (Explored)

Space Shuttle Discovery - Sunrise (4 hours before launch) - Mission STS-120 - 10.23.2007

Tricolored Heron - Egretta tricolor

Florida Clapper Rail

STS 130

2015 - 03 - 27 - Big Brother Visits Florida

Killer B

Our view of #atlantis shuttle launch!


B-25J Mitchell

Last view of Atlantis before it entered it's new home

His Blackness

STS-119 Discovery Sunset Launch from Titusville

Early 2

- 0127-Edit

Merritt Island NWR Sunrise

Low Tide Merritt Island NWR

Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge

Touch and Go

A Florida's river

- Blackpoint 9_2008-07-Edit

Adventurous landscape with swamp cypresses, alligators and a hidden bird


Morning at Merritt Island

Imbe (African Mangosteen) #2: FRUIT

Atlas V

Kennedy Point Park. Down on the rocks.

Titusville Before Sunrise #2

Northern mockingbird - Moqueur polyglotte - Sinsonte común - Mimus polyglottos



Mangrove river