John Ringling Bridge at night

326 ~ 375

"I like my fish, I toss 'em around and swallow 'em down"

"Oh Noooooooooo!"

Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home....

"Draw Pardner"

A view through the window

Little Blue Heron


Siesta Bikini_ 4356

Best friends (Explore-Jan 11th)

"Talk, talk......Talk, talk talk talk....,all you do to me is talk talk"

Siesta Key - Series II (II)

It's A Beautiful Day!

153 ~ 366

Mr. Greenjeans

Snowy portrait

Flying Egret

"She's a Lady"

Sandy Santa!

"I told you not to make fun of my hair."

Thunderset Over Sarasota Bay

Siesta Key - Series I (VI)

Gulf Coast Dawn

Sleeping time

“The sea always filled her with longing, though for what she was never sure.”

Sarasota Sunset, Siesta Key - Series I (III)

In for the Night

Tropical Waterfall

#florida#ocean#beach#white#sand Sarasota

Splish, Splash!

Skimming the Sunset

Longboat Beach

Beside The Sea!!

Stranger On The Shore

Sarasota Sunset

Ethereal Tide

Bye,bye love...

Winter Sunset

The Rock

Moreton Bay Fig Tree Roots 3