Pole Aerial Photography - PAP

Earth and Water

Guarding the Emporer's Tomb

Katy Mills Outlet Center

365.257 No One Watching

A view of the wetlands as we drive by. Can see a few egrets.

Silo Row

Antique Store, Richmond, Texas

Woke up to a great view here in Houston. Heading back to San Antonio after an amazing weekend!

Our House

Big Ben Tavern (left side)

Texas Lunch

Trio of Terra Cotta Horses

Cross Section

Bedroom view

Big Ben Tavern (right side)

Sunrise Over The Coastal Plains

View at the store

365.253 Shadow of the Colossus

Annular solar eclipse (Phases of)

Abandoned Chong Hua Sheng Mu Holy Palace, Golden Globe viewed through Tower

Water on Fire

Above South Blvd No. 14

a lonely business

Mary Jo Peckham Park

Snow On Pines II

Texas SkY's


After Rain

stand tall


Grassy Sky again

my own personal sunset just for me

What an amazing day, just take a look at this Big Texas Sky!

Foggy December Morning 2

Hwy 96 New Mexico No. 4

Winter in Texas

Golden Sunset on Addicks

Katy, Aug 3, 2008

Wheat Fields Blue Sky

Fifth Grade