
GM 2.5 ton

antiaircraft gun

Gadwall x American Wigeon (hybrid)

Gadwall x American Wigeon (hybrid)

Gadwall x American Wigeon (hybrid)

Gadwall x American Wigeon (hybrid)

p-38 rear view

cold quiet

Cackling Goose

Gadwall x American Wigeon (hybrid)

BCF sugar shack field transect.jpg

BCH creek trail transect.jpg

Janna's View

Northern Flicker (intergrade)

Somewhere {mixed media}

BCF pine tree trail transect.jpg

Valley View

Misty Morning

Cackling Goose

Sky & Pumpkins

Ithaca to Home_0004

Unfriendly Neighbors

Day 5/366 - Leaning

Dad with 5 Juvenile Bluebirds

The Pond

Hole in the ceiling

Hidden - Candor, New York

Pine Siskins in Snowy Tree

Juvenile Ruby-throated Hummingbird Resting

just some #chickenshanging out by the post office NBD

Brooktondale, NY

Misty morning

The Pond

Owego Falls Self Portrait

Pine Siskin on Holly Sprig

Autumn Sunset

Shindagen State Forest

Ithaca Countryside

Look Closely And You'll See A Splash In This Beaver Pond: Turkey Hill State Forest

Pine Siskin