Empezando 2010

Close Encounter of other Nature

Tree Swallow, bird on bird action

Hooded merganser

American yellow warbler

Northern Cardinal

American Cocker Spaniel: 2010 Best of the Best 100 Dogs (6)

Eastern phoebe

"Together at Last"

Spotted sandpiper

Tree Swallow

European starling

Baltimore oriole

Gray catbird

Gray catbird

New love grows on trees.

The Brown room

European starling

Song Sparrow

Turtle Shots

Dancing Trees

Sheppard's Bush

Just before sunset

Find me

Fallen Leaves

We are watching you

Sunset, Lake Wilcox Park, Richmond Hill, ON

Sheppard's Bush

Sky opens up

Sunset, Lake Wilcox Park, Richmond Hill, ON

Glorious Days Of Autumn

Corn Field, Mount Albert, Ontario, Canada.

Spring Green

Tunnel Vision

Sunset, Lake Wilcox Park, Richmond Hill, ON

A Barren Stretch

Fall colour

Great shot...@a4chang

Winter's Morning

Me, my friend & bale

Waiting for you