2014-05 Ambiguity (05)

2012-05a Muslim Beauties from Sumatra (11)

2012-05a Muslim Beauties from Sumatra (08)

Baiturrahman view

IMG Car Rental | Rental Mobil Aceh

2012-05a Muslim Beauties from Sumatra (06)

2012-05a Muslim Beauties from Sumatra (07)

Banda Aceh environs

lone mosque after the tsunami

IMG Car Rental | Rental Mobil Aceh

Green View in Banda Aceh

Seulawah Mountain View from Banda Aceh

Banda Aceh_Meuraxa_Dec 16 2005

View from bording room... thanks to A3 staff for all ur kindly.... @edhoa3 @acehadventure .... keep rocks ya !

Sawah padi (Paddy Rice)

Ukulele Punks

Gubuk peristirahatan di tengah persawahan

The only wifi-becak in Aceh

Pagi ini...

Masjid Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh

Baiturrahman front entrance

Banda Aceh

Lhok Nga beach - Aceh

Sunset on Lhok Nga beach

Punking the Ukulele

Baiturrahman hall

Baiturrahman hall

Pagi ini (lagi)...

Lhoknga Fungus On The Beach 2001

Lampuuk Beach March 2001

Banda Aceh

Dominoes in the Street

Driftwood Lampuuk Lhoknga up from the fungus photo 2001