
The Indonesian Presidential Trainset.................

Sawah 2

Babakan Lama Spoorwegstation

Losari Spoorwegstation

Bendungan Situ Sedong

wirh my great team #wefie #forester #forest

Forester on duty #waledasem #waled #cirebon #selfie

Di Sawah

Waruduwur Spoorwegstation

Babakan Spoorwegstation

Tanjung Spoorwegstation

Ciledug Spoorwegstation

U20C Still Prevail

Turn Right

Souvenir Dompet pandan kerang kecil Ready stock !!! Langsung hubungi HANYA kontak dibawah ini : Produk Kerajinan Rajapolah Tasikmalaya. Tolong diperhatikan Kami hanya melayani Pembeli yang serius. Kerajinan Tangan Rajapolah Menjual Produk Kerajinan Raj

The Next Generation

it's not what you see, it's what you feel it's not how fast, it's how far it's not what you dream, it's what you do it's not what you become, it's what you are it's not about tomorrow, it's about today it's not about distance, it's the moments it's


Twilight #twilight #sunset #sunlight #cirebon #indonesia #clouds #shilluette #shadow #beautiful

Nah kalau tadi kue tempel, jika anda pulang ke cirebon dr Tegal lewat losari (tidak lewat tol), maka siap siap mampir sebelum jembatan perbatasan untuk makan lontong sayur losari ini. Lokasi nya tepat di emperan toko mas ladjoe putra. Mudah kok nyari ny

That's all I have got. #snorkling #tanjungbenoa #bali #selfie #underwater

Start !