
Kortenhoef just before sun rise

The outward man is the swinging door; the inner man is the still hinge

one moment in time

The Sugar Fairy Tea Party

Spring Sunset, Zeist, Netherlands - 1289

Red with white dots mushrooms, Zeist, Netherlands - 0924

Fungus Autumn beckons, De Breul, Zeist, Netherlands - 0943

Wooden Bridge

Herfst/Autumn in Amersfoort

Toadstool bottum view, De Breul, Zeist, Netherlands - 0934

The scottish higlander feels at home

Fly Argaric Mushrooms family, Zeist, Netherlands - 0923

Winter in Holland, Schaapskooi Heidestein, Zeist - 0839

Windmills of The Netherlands - 2578

Twee punten / Two points

Sunset on a Summer Night, Zeist, Netherlands - 2060

Sunset, Zeist, Utrecht, Netherlands - 191069

Pink Lightning!

Utrecht University Botanic Gardens, Netherlands - 4298

Summer Sunrise, Zeist, The Netherlands - 427

In the mist we stand


Landscape with tulips

Lage Vuursche


Hannah and her sisters


Memory Lane


In de Lage Vuursche

Amersfoort 03 June 2014-0014.jpg

... sheepies ! ...

The dark side

Lage Vuursche


The Other Side Of The Border

Pastel morning


Cycling through a magical world of sun rays.