Old House On The Hill | Lot et Garonne, France | HDR | davidgiralphoto.com

The Old Odd-Looking House | HDR | Lot et Garonne, France | davidgiralphoto.com

The old bench on the way to Peyragude

Sundown on summer

Sun on the houses of Penne

The remains of the castle of Peyragude HDR

Room For Thought

the garden of midnight

Golden corner

View down the Valley

Garden with a View

Through the Window Frame

Well and Valley

Amanda's Valley

A Beautiful Morning

Last Rays of Light on the Lavender

jesus, what a view

Dôme d'argent

Our view for lunch

Outside our gate

Soirée calme sur la campagne après une journée de pluie

Le Lot tourmenté n'a pas encore retrouvé sa belle couleur bleue

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Au-dessus de la Basilique de Peyragude

Verdure printanière

Rocquecor Village

On the road -2-
