Church from the Distance

Békéscsaba Train Station at Night

Sheep shepherd / Birka pásztor

Napfény a jégen ....

Pörgésben / Rotating


Like in the rainforest 2 / Mint az esőerdőben 2

... and now the 4 season is complete / ... és most a négy évszak teljes

Ghost town

Cigogne et pêcheurs 2

Last sunshines of autumn / Az ősz utolsó napsugarai



Napfelkelte Békéscsaba felett / Sunrise over Békéscsaba

Quite a harvest of hay bales in south-east Hungary

Colours of "Windows" / A "Windows" színei

"Chamomile sea"


Cigogne et pêcheurs 1

Take a horse for riding back to your roots.

Cattles on the Hungarian lands.