Leave Out All The Rest

Valley Park RR Bridge

Afternoon view with Pops & Beau

Female Brown-headed Cowbird at Busch Greenway - No 2

Passenger Side View, Highway 44

UP Big Boy 4006 Steam Locomotive!

Bewick's Wren at Busch Greenway - No. 2

Snake Bite.

Grigio Alloy.

Polish Chicken at World Bird Sanctuary - No 1

Winter at Thornhill... National Register of Historic Places

Butterfly at Sohphia M. Sachs Butterfly House - No. 2

Wet Pelican

American Kestrel - Close-Up

Matte Black Monster

Yellow-rumped Warbler at Busch Greenway - No. 3

"The Way" by Alexander Liberman - No. 3

View from Beau's Rock Mountain

Keeping Tabs on the Garden_DSC0068

41-30669 | 1944 Boeing B-25 Mitchell | KSUS | July 2018

Long Crested Eagle

A Peaceful Walk

castlewood 10-18 007

Reflection in Wetlands Pond


Beautiful Dawn!

Buoys at Laumeier Sculpture Park

Yellowstone and Grand Tetons

Worth It

The Meramec River today!

Miles From Nowhere?

Yellowstone and Grand Tetons

Saline Valley

The Eyeball at Laumeier Sculpture Park

Forest Staley Park

A really old Pin Oak at the park.

Meremac River124


Old time baseball

Castlewood State Park Panorama