Aricoris middletoni

Tumultuous Harmony

Double take . . .

Brasilia Congress Reflection

Go out into the world.

Brazilian Parliament, Brasilia

Guerrieri e nuvole

Light and breezy . . .

10 million views / Many thanks !

Camera Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta 531

Red-cowled Cardinal


Green-barred Woodpecker

Inflatable art . . .

Brasília das Cachoeiras . . . de toda sorte.

Mundo virado . . .


brasilia panorama, brazil 2006

Welcome to the future . . .

Brasília, Jardim Burle Marx - DSC_6684p

Ponte Juscelino Kubitschek - JK - Brasilia.

Cerrado de Brasília

Brasilia sunset

Flight and hope.

Loving yourself above all things.

Winding down . . .

Entardecer / Sunset

In the orange way.

Galhos secos

por_do_sol_bsb (1 de 3)

Native touch . . .

Paisagem bucólica / Bucolic landscape

Yellow-chinned Spinetail (Certhiaxis cinnamomeus)

Yellow-olive Flatbill (Tolmomyias sulphurescens)

Céu de Brasília

Perasia sp.

Brasília sunset

Get your ducks in a row . . .

Área verde de Brasília

Her Palace

Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia)

Ipê-Amarelo [Handroanthus albus]